Parafermion Pictures


Parafermions are particles exhibiting parastatistics, thought to exist as excitations of exotic two dimensional materials and theorised to have useful applications in quantum information processing. Unlike Majorana fermions, systems of parafermions can potentially be used to realise fault tolerant quantum computation. In addition to this they can lead to some interesting pictures like the one above which is a framed print of one such picture. In this post I will go through the steps involved in creating such pictures along with the code to generate them. These came out of out of work which explored the properties of the energy spectra of parafermion chains [1].

We start with a model of particles occupying sites {1,2,...,L}\{1, 2, ..., L\}, each of which is labeled {1,2,...,N}\{1, 2, ..., N\}. The energy of the system only depends on the number and type of the particles and not the sites they occupy. This means that instead of looking at all possible ways of labeling all the sites, we can instead consider levels containing many configurations, all of which have the same energy. For example with two labels (N=2)(N=2) and four positions (L=4)(L=4), there are five possible energy levels where the numbers of particles of each type are (4,0),(3,1),(2,2),(1,3),(0,4)(4,0), (3,1), (2, 2), (1, 3), (0, 4).

For general NN and LL, the number of energy levels is equal to the number of compositions of LL into NN parts. In the literature [2], this is denoted CS(L,N)C_S(L, N) and are called extended binomial coefficients. They satisfy the recurrence relation

CS(L,N)=CS(L1,N)+CS(L,N1) C_S(L, N) = C_S(L-1, N) + C_S(L, N-1)

with CS(L,1)=1C_S(L, 1) = 1 and CS(1,N)=NC_S(1, N) = N. A good way to think about these quantities and the recurrence relation is to picture the CS(L,N)C_S(L, N) as denoting the number of ways of distributing LL items among BB boxes. If we imagine hovering over each box in turn and deciding whether or not to place an item in that box we can consider the possibilities which are:

  1. We decide to place the item in the box, this results in L1L-1 items

remaining and still NN boxes to distribute among which gives the CS(L1,N)C_S(L-1, N) term

  1. We decide not to place the item in the box, this means we still have LL items but now

only NN boxes to distribute them among which gives the CS(L,N1)C_S(L, N-1) term

With these recurrence relations it's possible to easily calculate the number of distinct energy levels for large systems. With memoization this can be made even more efficient. The following is simple Julialang function to calculate the number of levels for a given LL and NN

const cache = Dict{Tuple{Int, Int}, Int}()

function C_s(L, N)
    if haskey(cache, (L, N))
        return cache[(L, N)]
    elseif L == 1
        cache[(L, N)] = N
        return N
    elseif N == 1 || L == 0
        cache[(L, N)] = 1
        return 1
        return C_s(L-1, N) + C_s(L, N-1)

Using this function we evaluate the number of levels for a few different values of NN and LL to get:


Which shows how quickly these numbers grow, particularly with large NN values. If we index each level with a integer in the range [1,CS(L,N)][1, C_S(L, N)], then the same recurrence relation can be used to find the numbers of particles of each type for each index. We simple iterate through each of the positions and if the index is less than the first term, we place a particle at that position and continue with one less particle to be placed, if it is greater we move to the next position and subtract the first term from the index. The following function implements this.

function get_level(idx, L, N)
    @assert idx > 0 && idx <= C_s(L, N) "Index out of range"
    level = zeros(Int, N)
    pos = 1
    while pos < length(level) + 1 && L > 0 && idx > 0
        if idx <= C_s(L-1, N)
            level[pos] += 1
            L -= 1
            pos += 1
            idx -= C_s(L-1, N)
            N -= 1

# create generator from this function
get_levels(L, N) = (get_level(i, L, N) for i = 1:C_s(L, N))

For L=4L=4 and N=3N=3 we get the following levels

14 0 0
23 1 0
33 0 1
42 2 0
52 1 1
62 0 2
71 3 0
81 2 1
91 1 2
101 0 3
110 4 0
120 3 1
130 2 2
140 1 3
150 0 4

Note that when retrieving all levels there are much more efficient approaches than the one above which make use of the fact that levels with consecutive indices are related.

Each particle type costs a different amount of energy which is a function of a parameter θ\theta. A particle of type jj costs energy

ϵj=cos(θ+2πjN) \epsilon_j = -cos(\theta + \frac{2\pi j}{N})

This means that for some values of θ\theta multiple particle types cost the same amount of energy and the orderings of energies get exchanged with changing theta. Given the particle composition of a level we can write a function to calculate the energy as

function energy(p, θ)
    N = length(p)
    -sum(p .* cos.(θ .+ 2π .* (1:N) ./ N))

We can use this function to plot the energies of the levels with changing θ\theta. For each NN, the pattern will repeat every 2πN\frac{2\pi}{N} so to see the full pattern it is sufficient to look only in the interval [0,2πN][0, \frac{2\pi}{N}]. Below we show plots in this range for N=2,3,4N=2, 3, 4 for small values of LL.

using Plots

function plot_energies(L, N)
    pl = plot()
    for p in get_levels(L, N)
        θs = range(0, stop=2π/N, length=50)
        pl = plot!(θs,
                   energy.([p], θs),

plot_N2 = plot_energies(5, 2)
plot_N3 = plot_energies(5, 3)
plot_N4 = plot_energies(5, 4)

From these and the numbers in the tables above we see that the plots get very busy for even modest NN and LL. The points where the bands cross have a special meaning for the physics of these systems so we now focus on finding these points from the level descriptions. For each pair of levels we find that they cross exactly twice in the interval θ[0,2π]\theta \in [0, 2\pi]. From the expression for the energy and a little algebra we can find the exact θ\theta where two levels a\vec{a} and b\vec{b} cross is given by

θ=tan1(j=1Ncjcos(2πjN)j=1Ncjsin(2πjN)) \theta = tan^{-1}\left( \frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N} c_j cos(\frac{2\pi j}{N})} {\sum_{j=1}^{N} c_j sin(\frac{2\pi j}{N})} \right)

where c=ab\vec{c} = \vec{a} - \vec{b}. Using this we can write a function to find the angle at which two levels cross as

function get_crossing(a, b)
    c = a - b
    N = length(a)
    θ = atan(sum(c .* cos.(2π / N .* (1:N))) /
             sum(c .* sin.(2π / N .* (1:N))))
    if θ < 0
        return θ + π
        return θ

The Julialang atan function returns an angle in the range [π2,π2][-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}]. We know that each pair of levels twice at angles π\pi radians apart so we adopt the convention that our get_crossing function will return the angle in the interval [0,π][0, \pi]. The other crossing point can easily by found by subtracting π\pi from this. Using this function it's possible to pick out the crossings and plot these alone, making it possible to create plots for larger systems showing interesting patterns. The next example shows this being used for a relatively large system with L=80L=80 and zooming in on a window of θ\theta and EE values to show more detail. These windows values were selected because of the symmetry and density of crossings at this points.

function find_crossings(L, N, θ_window=nothing, E_window=nothing)
    levels = collect(get_levels(L, N));

    θs = Vector{Float64}()
    Es = Vector{Float64}()
    for (pos, a) in enumerate(levels)
        for b in levels[pos+1:end]
            θ = get_crossing(a, b)
            E = energy(a, θ)
            for θ′ in [θ-π, θ]
                if θ_window === nothing || (θ_window[1] <= θ′ <= θ_window[2])
                    if E_window === nothing || (E_window[1] <= E <= E_window[2])
                        push!(θs, θ′)
                        push!(Es, E)
    θs, Es

θs, Es = find_crossings(80, 3, [π/6 - 0.5, π/6 + 0.5], [-1, 1])

p = scatter(θs,
            size=(800, 600))

Another interesting direction to take is to use colour to distinguish the different types of crossing points. For example we can use the domain wall angle of the levels at each crossing to distinguish different crossings. This is a physical observable, defined in [1] which has important implications for the physics happening at each crossing. In the following we use different colours to distinguish crossings where the domain wall angles match and those where they differ.

function dw_angle(p)
    N = length(p)
    sum(p .* (1:N)) % N

function find_crossings(L, N, θ_window=nothing, E_window=nothing)
    levels = collect(get_levels(L, N));

    θs = Dict{Bool, Vector{Float64}}()
    Es = Dict{Bool, Vector{Float64}}()
    for (pos, a) in enumerate(levels)
        dwa_a = dw_angle(a)
        for b in levels[pos+1:end]
            key = dwa_a == dw_angle(b)
            θ = get_crossing(a, b)
            E = energy(a, θ)
            for θ′ in [θ-π, θ]
                if θ_window === nothing || (θ_window[1] <= θ′ <= θ_window[2])
                    if E_window === nothing || (E_window[1] <= E <= E_window[2])
                        if !haskey(θs, key)
                            θs[key] = Vector{Float64}()
                            Es[key] = Vector{Float64}()
                        push!(θs[key], θ′)
                        push!(Es[key], E)
    θs, Es

θs, Es = find_crossings(81, 3, [π/6 - 0.5, π/6 + 0.5], [-2, 2])

p = plot()
for key in keys(θs)
    global p = scatter!(θs[key],
                size=(800, 600))

The plots produced in this manner are rich in symmetries and other interesting features. By changing the system size and playing around with the parameter windows used, the aspect ratio, the thickness and type of symbols used, it's possible to create many interesting picture. A github gist with the full source code which provides a good starting point is available here. It's best to run this script with a recent version of Julialang (recommended 1.5.x or greater) with the Plots.jl package installed. Further details and background on the physics of these systems can by found in the papers [1], [3] and the references therein.

[1] Phys. Rev. B 95 235127 (2017)